3Dc texture compression demo
Sunday, June 27, 2004 | Permalink
It took a bit longer than I had originally planned, but now the 3Dc demo I promised is finally here.

Haven't had much time to dedicate to this project, and unfortunately I had to do some changes to my framework to get things up and running the way I wanted it. I rewrote my whole DXT decompression code and added 3Dc decompression to it. I also had to write that
3DcGenerator tool (which I btw now have updated to include some more advanced normal map generation code) to get my 3Dc textures. With that done however, getting 3Dc into future applications will be a quick and easy task.
Anyway, this demo mainly shows off 3Dc texture compression and how to use it, but also illustrates how to use detail normal mapping. Plus a bunch of other stuff like offset mapping, cubic shadow mapping etc., but I've done that before.
Anyway, enjoy.

Last comment by Artem (2004-08-26 14:20:45) ]