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New fire demo
Wednesday, April 7, 2004 | Permalink
It's been a while, but now I've got a another demo up. Enjoy!
I've been a little dry on ideas lately, so I'm open for suggestions. If you got any great ideas, or any particular effects you'd like to see, please write a comment.
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Hi, what about space scenes? nebulaes, stars, solar systems... something like the graphics seen in eve online

(sorry for my english)
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Looks great, as usual... made me wanna get some hot dogs ;-p
Monday, April 12, 2004
A realtime SH-lightning demo would be cool ... perhaps with radiance neighborhood-transfer.
Nice demo Humus!
Monday, April 12, 2004
hi, anything you do would be nice. however, i would like to suggest realistic water effect (without bitmapped caustics, with reflexions/refractions, etc).
anyways, anything about softshadows would be excellent too, there is a paper of tomas moller in his page and it is quite impressive.
Monday, April 12, 2004
can anyone tell me what to buy? the cheapest ati firegl (with glslang support) or a relatively new radeon card (with about the same price)? i plan buying an opteron.
thanks a lot.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Minimum requirements for GLSL - R9500Pro.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Spherical Harmonics are hip, but not really difficult (once you get past the math barrier)
Simplistic Irradiance transfer can be done in a day or so. A PRT solution can be done within a weekend.
Now, if you can find a PRT solution to animated models, that, i'd like to see.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Ok, I've been reading up a little on SH, and the math barrier is a bit high to get past. Though I get the basic idea. Reducing integration over a hemisphere to a series of dot-products by using a special transform. I imagine that I could write a demo that works given existing code examples, though understanding how and why it works would be it a little harder.
It seems also that it only works on directional lights and not on point lights, if I've understood things right. If that's true, then I'm not so sure how useful this technique is.
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