Clustered Shading
Tuesday, March 24, 2015 | Permalink
So, uhm, it's been a while since I last posted a demo here. I have valid excuses though. This whole kids situation sure makes a dent into your available time, and for the time that remains it sure has an impact on how much energy you have left at the end of the day. But it's a great joy too, so I'm not unhappy about it in any way. And the other thing is of course that I moved into a research position at work, which reduces my itch of doing so much research at home during my spare hours. But with that said, I recently ended up browsing into my site with another guy at work for reasons I don't remember, and the realization that it had been nearly three years since the last demo was a little too depressing for me. So I made it a priority to make another one, and now it's here.
So for this demo I'm poking around a little with Clustered Shading, but exploring an alternative implementation of the underlying principles. The main differences being world-space clustering, storing active lights as a bitfield, and going full forward shading instead of deferred. Well, except for the reference I'm comparing to.
Some useful shortcuts for the demo:
F5 - Clustered Shading
F6 - Visualize clusters
F7 - Classic Deferred Shading
F8 - Visualize stencil mask for Deferred Shading with MSAA

Last comment by robotjellyfish (2018-12-18 19:32:00) ]