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- Ben Bernanke

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Interior Mapping
Sunday, August 3, 2008 | Permalink

Source code
InteriorMapping.zip (1.4 MB)
InteriorMapping.7z (926 KB)

Direct3D 10.1
Interior mapping is a technique that renders the interior of buildings without requiring additional geometry. Everything is done in the pixel shader. The advantage is that when you're rendering large cities you can draw all those buildings as simple boxes.

The idea was to my knowledge first proposed here.

My implementation is somewhat different. To begin with, I represent the room with a cubemap. In DX10 this has the advantage that it'll filter across cubemap faces, making the edge between walls/floor/ceiling antialiased, unlike the original implementation. It also means you only need one texture lookup, rather than separate for floor planes, walls and ceiling. Finally, with cubemap arrays in D3D10.1 it's also possible to have several different types of rooms which can be selected by the shader. I have implemented this, although due to lack of artwork (it was time consuming enough to produce a single room) I'm simply shuffling the walls around in 8 different combinations.

This demo should run on the Radeon HD 3000 series and up. Since this demo uses Direct3D 10.1 you need to have Windows Vista SP1 installed.