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- Maurice Freehill
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3Dc texture compression demo
Sunday, June 27, 2004 | Permalink

It took a bit longer than I had originally planned, but now the 3Dc demo I promised is finally here. Haven't had much time to dedicate to this project, and unfortunately I had to do some changes to my framework to get things up and running the way I wanted it. I rewrote my whole DXT decompression code and added 3Dc decompression to it. I also had to write that 3DcGenerator tool (which I btw now have updated to include some more advanced normal map generation code) to get my 3Dc textures. With that done however, getting 3Dc into future applications will be a quick and easy task.

Anyway, this demo mainly shows off 3Dc texture compression and how to use it, but also illustrates how to use detail normal mapping. Plus a bunch of other stuff like offset mapping, cubic shadow mapping etc., but I've done that before.

Anyway, enjoy.



Enter the code below

Sunday, June 27, 2004


Sunday, June 27, 2004

The amount of detail one achieves with that 2 normalmaps technique is amazing

Sunday, June 27, 2004

I must say this must be one of the best examples of detail normal mapping I have seen. (Think I saw the first just after Geforce3 was released, wonder why more people do not do it? -after people see this I am sure more will)

FYI- The shadows seem messed up on my 5200 (61.12 drivers). If they are enabled only ambient lighting seems to show up. And frame jumps from 7-1000(!) every second frame(timer bug?). Disabling shadows seems to make the demo run normally.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

I tried running it in fullscreen on my x800XT PE and now I get an error saying "Couldn't creat Direct3D interface device". Even reinstalling the program doesn't fix it. Is there something I can use to find it in the registry to delete it? I tried searching for 3dc but that comes up with way too many items.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Nice work man. Sweet program

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Looks greate!

BTW, currently it is not possible to use cubic shadow mapping in OpenGL, right?
AFAIK, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT format is not supported under GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB redner target.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Looks greate!

BTW, currently it is not possible to use cubic shadow mapping in OpenGL, right?
AFAIK, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT format is not supported under GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB redner target.

Monday, June 28, 2004

Sure you can! You don't need to use depth textures, you can just use any regular texture format and shaders.

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