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New high quality texture compression demo
Friday, June 2, 2006 | Permalink
I've uploaded a new demo that shows up a high quality texture compression method. Awesome artwork!!!

... no actually it's just a textured quad, but the point is to show the quality difference between different methods.
Last comment by kumayu (2008-08-05 18:07:54) ]
New dynamic branching demo
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 | Permalink
There's a new demo showing off the benefits of dynamic branching. The demo should run on Radeon 9500 and up and GeForce FX and up, but performance improvements by enabling dynamic branching is only expected to happen on Radeon X1300 and up and possibly also GeForce 6 series and up (haven't tested) since earlier chips do not support this feature.
Last comment by Jackis (2006-05-19 08:34:45) ]
New hair simulation demo
Monday, April 3, 2006 | Permalink
A new demo is up with some hair simulation. A balloon head is bouncing around throwing the hair around as if it was a shampoo commercial.
Last comment by Humus (2008-03-06 13:00:13) ]
Wednesday, March 29, 2006 | Permalink
The March 2006 edition of the
ATI SDK is now available for download. Lots of interesting stuff there, in particular the R2VB (render to vertex buffer) samples.
Last comment by Thor_Sevan (2006-04-02 23:17:16) ]
New infinite terrain demo
Thursday, March 9, 2006 | Permalink
This is a demo, quite similar to my old infinite terrain demo, but this time implemented using R2VB.
2006-03-11 update:
I've added VTF support, so now it should on GeForce 6 series and up too, but as expected, it's quite slow. The 6600 ran at 27fps compared to the X850XT at 272fps.
Last comment by Nuninho1980 (2008-03-05 10:17:36) ]
New selective supersampling demo
Monday, February 6, 2006 | Permalink
Here's a demo that shows how to do application side supersampling in the shader at much lower performance cost than normally associated with supersampling.
I've made pretty substancial updates to the framework, which for instance made GameEngine2 break (still haven't debugged it, but will do that in the coming days). So if you plan on compiling any older demos, keep your old copy of Framework3 around for now.
2006-02-08 update:
I added dynamic branching to the sample. The cost of supersampling is now even less. 4x only reduces performance to 77% instead of the previous 60%. The 11x mode is now at 55% versus previous 31%.
2006-02-11 update:
I've now fixed the GameEngine2 problem, plus fixed a couple of bugs I found during this process. I also recompiled the older demos based on Framework3 and uploaded new versions so they also got the interface update (you can now select your own keys).
Last comment by Humus (2006-02-22 20:29:08) ]
DXOverride update
Wednesday, February 1, 2006 | Permalink
I added the ability to override the backbuffer format. This is useful for instance to set the A2R10G10B10 format on the X1x00 series boards for better color precision.
Last comment by Humus (2006-02-05 14:02:36) ]
The Radeon X1900 released
Tuesday, January 24, 2006 | Permalink
The X1900 series cards were officially launched today and the reviews are in.
Tom's hardware guide
Last comment by Anonymous (2006-01-25 23:10:33) ]
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