New gallery
Friday, August 18, 2006 | Permalink
I've added another gallery with pictures from this summer. This one also includes an interactive element. I've made a java applet using OpenGL to render cubemaps. I've stitched together a bunch of cubemaps from a bunch of photos in all direction, and I've included a few of these in the gallery.
Friday, August 18, 2006
What is needed to view these interactive photos?Besides OGL driver.
Friday, August 18, 2006
You need to have java installed. Not sure how old versions it will work on, but if you installed the latest JRE it should work.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
How have you made those cubemaps? How many photos did you use?
Thursday, August 31, 2006
I'd assume it would be from 6 photos
(up, down, and along the lines of North,
South, East and West).
But then im assuming this from knowledge of
cubemaps, not panoramic photos :P
Friday, September 1, 2006
Well, if I had a camera with 90 degrees field of view that also produced square pictures and had no distortion, plus I had equipment to aim it perfectly in the six directions, then that would work.
No, I only have a regular P&S camera with about 62 degrees FOV horizontally and a tripod, so I have to shoot a whole bunch of photos. Usually I do one center 360 row of 8 pictures, then 8 or sometimes just 6 pictures in a row above it and below it. Then 4 in the topmost row, and 3 down without getting the tripod legs in the view. Then finally I remove the tripod and shoot the last picture with it handheld leaning forward to avoid getting my feet in the view. Actually, I shoot a bunch of down pictures to hopefully get at least one that fits decently. Then I load it up in RealViz Stitcher and render a cubemap.
Finally, I edit it a bit in photoshop if neccesary if there's any artifacts or ghosting.
Friday, September 1, 2006
Heh, why do they have to make cameras use such odd dimensions?
90 Deg square images would suit us all so much better.
Monday, September 4, 2006
Take this idea further, you can take some '3D' screenshots in game and view them outside the game using your fancy applet as if you were in the game.
3D screenshots! Dude, that'll be awesome!
Monday, September 4, 2006
Well, that can certainly be done. That's a cool idea actually.
For my own demos where I have full control it would be easy to just get the right screenshots in all directions directly. For a game I may have to revert to taking a load of screenshots looking in different directions, unless the game has flexible commandline options or something.