"CS has destroyed my life. I can't shower anymore because I think my neighbors use wallhack."
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New textures section
Sunday, October 29, 2006 | Permalink

Recently I've renewed my interest in photography, in particular after upgrading to a new digital camera. One of the things I've played with a lot is creating cubemaps from photos, something you've been able to see in my last couple of galleries. The versions I've uploaded there are only small resolution though intended for interactive viewing on the web. The source cubemaps I've rendered out on my computer are typically much higher resolution than that though. Also, for the galleries I've primarily selected cubemaps that are interesting in the context of the gallery, but there are a whole bunch of other cubemaps I've made that hasn't made it into a gallery. Since there are very few good cubemap resources on the web (at least I'm not aware of too many, and the ones I know have only computer generated environments), I thought I should do that.

I've added a new Textures section to this site, and you can see the link in the menu on the left. I've uploaded 7 cubemaps so far and they are all high resolution ( 2048x2048 ).



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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Really nice cubemaps, they look great!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Looks great, but even for ATI CubeMap Gen tool can't handle it.

How did you made this CubeMaps?

Monday, October 30, 2006

I took a bunch of photos to cover the entire environment, like 40 photos or so. Then I stitched them together in Stitcher.

Thursday, November 2, 2006

wow thanks!!!!i need them

Friday, November 3, 2006

Too bad those map are not stored in HDR format, for effective IBL rendering.
Good work, though!

Saturday, November 4, 2006

I plan to experiment with HDR cubemaps too. I just got a panorama head delivered yesterday, which should help me. Without the panorama head I had to rely on "smart blending", which fixes some parallax errors, but unfortunately may cause the different exposures to be rendered differently, thus I can't combine them to create an HDR image. Hopefully it will work better with the panorama head.

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Good "artificial" landscape cube maps, like those here, can be assembled with TerraGen and rendered straight in HDR image format.
I used to do some work, like that, for a project in LightWave3D -- together with HDRShop it was a real fun.
Various tutorials are available in the Web.

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Yeah, I know how to make HDR cubemaps in Terragen. I've done a few in the past. But that's not nearly as interesting as making cubemaps from photos.

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