"Computers are getting smarter all the time. Scientists tell us that soon they will be able to talk to us. And by 'they', I mean 'computers'. I doubt scientists will ever be able to talk to us."
- Dave Barry
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New Radeon SDK
Tuesday, June 26, 2007 | Permalink

AMD has just released a new SDK with some cool DX10 samples, of which I wrote two. There's also a programming and optimization guide for the HD 2000 series (also written by me) plus some other cool stuff. Check it out!

In other news, I just got back from a month long trip to Sweden and Denmark. During my time away I haven't had a chance to write any demos or do any other updates on this site. But now I'm back.
Oh, there's one update that I actually posted a while ago, but didn't write a news item about. I added Mac support to the framework, so now the OpenGL demos should compile and work on Mac too. You'll have to create the XCode projects yourself though as I don't have the Mac anymore and thus can't create any project files for the Mac. The reason I didn't mention this here earlier is that the Mac I bought was a gift for my niece and I wanted it to be a surprise for her, so I didn't want to give her any hints in case she would check in on my site. So the Mac support has been there for a bit over a month now.

Another update is that I finally got a HD 2900XT card for my own system at home, so now I just need to start coding some DX10 demos.



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Saturday, July 7, 2007

Jod�. N�r jag f�r tid. Har du hunnit koda n�tt p� din Mac �n d�?

Monday, July 9, 2007

I was wondering how does one use the bicubic texture filtering that has been added to the 2900 series in DX-9.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

What about some GI on d3d9?
It s gonna take 2 years before any normal computer have dx10 cards..

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Every DX10 games that will be released will play on both nVidia and ATi cards. Please support Geforce 8000 alongside HD 2000 series, please.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

WTF should that comment above me mean? :P

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

thanks for the Mac Emil!! <3

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Har inte gjort n�gra kodningar �nnu... g�r annat om dagarna (sover)!
�r uppe till klockan 3-4 p� natten och vaknar 12!!!

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