"The wise make proverbs, and fools repeat them."
- Isaac Disraeli
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Leaving AMD
Friday, August 24, 2007 | Permalink

After more than three years at ATI and now AMD after they bought us I've decided to try something new. Today I worked my last day at AMD. On September 3 I'll join Avalanche Studios in Stockholm and work as a game developer. Should be a lot of fun, and I'll be be back in my home country and closer to my family.



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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Good luck!
Your demos opened are wonderfull world of 3d graphics for me
Thanks alot.

Monday, September 17, 2007

AMD lost great programmer today but I'm not surprised by this move. ATi will never be the same again.

I hope this doesn't mean you'll stop working on this web or another generation of your game engine. It helped me get through the basics of shaders. Thanks for this and have a good luck!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Hi guys, I'm finally back online after a lot of struggle getting internet set up in my new apartment, but now that's finally sorted out.

Wolfgang, I'll keep contributing to the ShaderX series, don't worry

Jeff, I visited Bethesda together with Jeff Royle some time ago (can't remember if it was about one or two years ago). Not sure if I met you there.
Yes, I know Natalya. I didn't work in her team though, but our teams communicated frequently. I've met her several times as well. Yup, she's very nice, and smart too!

eXile, nothing wrong with CryTek, other than them being germans. Actually, one of the reasons I felt like moving back is because of the language. While my English has improved a lot over the last three years it still never felt as effortless to talk English like talking Swedish. I know some basic German from school, but that would be way more painful than English.

Jeff Sheiman
Friday, September 28, 2007

I asked our graphics lead. He said he remembers Jeff Royle coming but could not recall anyone else. I am pretty sure you didn't meet me. I think our graphics lead meets one-on-one with contacts rather then having all the different graphics programmers talking to them. Makes things simpler to have him as a middle-man.

As for Natalya, I have been meaning to get a hold of her after meeting her at SIGGRAPH but I have just been so darn busy with Fallout3. She has a lot of very useful articles for stuff I would like to implement in our games.

anyways - good luck in Sweden!

here are my pictures I took back in August when I was there visiting.


enjoy - I didn't edit them very much so its kind of a rough album

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Your talent in computer games.. Awesomeness.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Your talent in computer games.. Awesomeness.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Nice textures in that pictures Jeff!

Friday, December 7, 2007


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