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Working @ ATi
Wednesday, February 19, 2003 | Permalink
So the second day of work has passed at ATi. I'm getting into it and feel quite comfortable with the job. Yesterday passed without a whole lot of real work being done. Mostly installing OS, compiler and stuff on my work machine and configure it. Today is the first day I did some real work.
Monday, March 3, 2003
Welcome to Canada! I presume you're working at the ATI location in the Toronto area? Of course, you must come downtown sometime and visit the CN Tower.
BTW, this is actually one of the coldest winters in recent memory here. It's usually quite a bit warmer (or should I say less cold).
Sunday, March 9, 2003
damn...some time away and not watching your site and then "boom"'re at ATI
...i always knew you're damn good!!!
good luck there
Thursday, March 13, 2003
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