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3Dc texture tool
Monday, May 31, 2004 | Permalink

I've started playing around with the 3Dc normal compression format now that I have an X800pro card. For this I quickly wrote a small commandline tool for my convenience, and of course I'm sharing it with anyone out there that's interested. It's available for download in the cool stuff section.
It's a very simple tool, and you'll need the texconv.exe file from the DirectX9 SDK for it to work, but it's very convenient. Make a shortcut to it, and just drop a heightmap image file on the shortcut. The tool will create the output 3Dc file in DDS format in the same directory as the source file. DDS loading code is available in my framework, which I btw updated to support 3Dc, in Direct3D at least for now.

Anyway, I'll have a 3Dc demo up some time soon. Depends on how much spare time I will have.



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Sunday, June 6, 2004

Oh... ATI's two-sided stencil extension : GL_ATI_separate_stencil ! Interesting !

Sunday, June 6, 2004

I don't apply anything what is better or worse, just saying some facts that D3D dominates in certain areas. And one simple stubborn guy will not really change that fact - even when he calls himself the god of graphics programming (which I highly doubt)

Sunday, June 6, 2004

actually, it just happens to be the fact this time, that supporting the compression in dx was more simple to implement that supporting it in ogl.

in other cases, nearly all actually, this is not the case. namely when ever you need to add something to the api.

Sunday, June 6, 2004

MesserFuerFrauSchmid, are you here only to moan and complain? Why do you persist in coming to my site if you hate it so much? Noone has called himself god of graphics programming. You're probably just jealous that there actually are people out there who like my work while noone praise yours. And your friggin API preference is as irrelevant as mine is. If you like D3D, then use it and be happy. No need to come here and point out everywhere who bad OpenGL is.

Monday, June 7, 2004

HELLO!!!1 I was refering to Mr. John C. Carmack and not you.

Tuesday, June 8, 2004

Lol, mkay ..
It was hardly obvious that you referred to him. And even then, I don't think Carmack has ever called himself god of graphics programming. He appears to be quite humble. Other people frequently call him that, which of course is a bit exaggerated, but he deserves some creds. He's one of the better guys in the industry.

Tuesday, June 8, 2004

@Humus or others:
And now for something completly different, has the X800 geometry instancing feature (like the NV40?) Could not find it. The latest Crowd Demo could suggest that it has but there is nothing written that it actually does and such a feature would probably be more advertised.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Humus, don't let one flamer bother you. There's people out here (well, one at least ) who really appreciate what you're doing. Keep up the good work!

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