"There is nothing so permanent in Washington as a temporary government program."
- Milton Friedman
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Demo updates for Linux
Sunday, October 10, 2004 | Permalink

I've gone through a whole bunch of demos to ensure they all still compile in Linux. I have made some fixes to the frameworks to get it to run and finally added render to texture support in Linux. This means that in addition to all the demos that worked in Linux before the following demos now works fine in Linux as well:



Enter the code below

Jon Jonsson
Monday, October 11, 2004

@ Humus
regarding the screensaver you could take a look at:

Greetings Jon

Monday, October 11, 2004

Nice, I'll take a look at them in Linux sometime soon... I'm still quite new to Linux though, so I'll see how it goes

The Chess demo is really nice, had it as my screensaver in Windows for awhile

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Hey Humus, this is a bit off-topic but you might want to check this out, relief mapping, beyond parallax mapping:


Might wanna try implementing that into one of yur future 3D demos.

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