"If there's one thing worse than a program that doesn't work when it should, it's a program that does work when it shouldn't."
- Bob Archer

Demo time
Thursday, March 27, 2008 | Permalink

I have a new demo available for download. Or actually, it's not new, it's been done for quite a while, it's just that I haven't published it before. This is the demo that goes with my article "Post-tonemapping resolve for high quality HDR antialiasing in D3D10" in ShaderX6.

A short update while I'm at it. As you can see, it's been two months since the last update. The main reason for this is that I've been quite busy lately. I bought an apartment recently and have spent quite a lot of time getting it in order. Since I rented second hand before and didn't have any furniture or anything of my own I had to get a lot of new stuff, and that has taken quite some time and effort lately. The good news is that that's pretty much done now, so things should get back to normal. As for demos, I have a couple in the pipeline, so don't worry about that.



Enter the code below

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Good to hear.
/me hopes to see more OpenGL demos

Friday, March 28, 2008

Nice, looks pretty good, just a few things though
1. the fps counter is a bit to inconsistent, on my computer it jumps randomly anywhere from 16 to 1600fps and sometimes even over 3k, though actual framerate seems ok.
2. movements are not working, when pushing forward it jumps randomly back and forwards, clearly this is related to #1.
I have a quadcore, 2GB ram, a GF9600gt and vista installed

Friday, March 28, 2008

hi Humus, i was using your framework3 for my school project and i change some of its parts like 3ds loading on Model class etc.. so i cant directly change to new version.

would you please put a file that tells which parts of the framework updated.. i realized joystick support easily but anything else?

"/me hopes to see more OpenGL demos"
and me too

thanks a lot for your great work..

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Humus... why you don't use logarithmic/exponential exposure better? I find the 1.0f - exp(-col*exposure) too color-destructive.

Perhaps would be better to apply some kind of histogram like Valve does or a Reinhard's operator.

Vilem Otte
Thursday, April 3, 2008

Demo looks really nice. Anyway will this algo be fast enough to use with high complexity scene at high framerate (F.e. in games)?

and of course me hopes to o see more OpenGL demos too.

Btw. Good luck in your new apartment ;-)

Friday, April 4, 2008

I usually don't keep track of what changes I do. You best bet if you want to merge it with any of your own changes is to use a Diff tool, like WinMerge (haven't used it myself so I don't know how good it is).

The tonemap operator I use roughly matches what cameras do. The trick is selecting a good exposure. In this demo I just let the user set it so you can see how the effect of the custom resolve changes as you change exposure.
I'm not convinced that histogram based methods neccesarily are better.

Vilem Otte,
It should be fast for complex scenes. In fact, since this just changes the resolve and not the scene rendering it will have less performance impact with complex scenes than on simple scenes.