"The radical right wants everyone to be treated equally. The radical left want everyone to be treated until they become equal."
- Fredrik Y. Törn (m)

Just Cause 2 gameplay
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 | Permalink

Trailers and screenshots are nice, but what about gameplay?
Well, there's a ten minute gameplay video over here.
Also, check this out. And this.



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Matthew B.
Thursday, June 4, 2009

I have to say that the game play video sold me more on this game than some of the previous trailers. This is coming from a jaded developer that has seen all the tricks used for game marketing. JC2 looks like a ton of fun! Great job all around, especially on the Obamaroll

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Here is a high resolution version of this vid:
I really liked, what I saw and wonder, how the graphics compare from this xbox 360 (?) version to a high end PC.
And I wonder what the missions will be like. I thought, they were a little let down in the first game. But nonetheless the first one was a lot of fun too.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Damn, the gameplay looks awesomely ridiculous, almost nearing DMC levels. I don't suppose it's going to have any form of multiplayer? That would be too good.