"The cultural elite are almost always wrong."
- Marcus Birro

New DirectX SDK release
Thursday, September 10, 2009 | Permalink

The August 2009 release of the DirectX SDK is out. Funny name for a September release though. This release has the final DirectX 11 components.

Speaking of DirectX 11, new details on the HD 5870 are trickling out to the public, and from the looks of it, it'll be a pretty nice card. Supposedly due for release in two weeks. It'll be interesting to see then if it's as awesome as it's painted out to be.



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Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm interested to know how you think compute shaders will change the future of gaming / real-time rendering? Are they as useful as they are said to be or will they be just another gadget in the graphics programmer's toolbox?

Friday, September 11, 2009

I think it's going to be very big. Initially you'll probably just use it for optimizing post-effects and such, but in the long run it's probably going to be used for a lot of cool stuff. We'll probably see middleware products based on it for everything from physics to AI, to raytracing.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Just like geometry shaders was, seriously i don't see this taking off until they get another xbox out there, and in the meantime i think something like openCL will be big.

Friday, September 11, 2009

I even believe that OpenCL will implemented on PS3 so take advantage of the cell processor for post processing effects like it's already done.

Quite consequently, I expect to see Direct Compute to be quickly used on PC like for games done for PC and PS3. Xbox360? maybe finally lower rendering quality but not sure.

OpenCL won't be able to use Direct3D memory without memory copy that my games are going to use Direct Compute.

In the meantime OpenCL is definetly going to be big on PC for not rendering purpose processing and probably professional tools.

Moreover, even mobile devices (like iPhone) are going to use OpenCL.

OpenCL / Direct Compute are ten times for useful than geometry shaders, quite easy to integrate, (let say to much easier than tesselation or geometry shaders!)

I bet that's the first feature that's going to be used. I expect a lot of from the multithreading friendly features as well.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Compute Shaders may also play a major role in hardware vendors sales!
I believe it will become more and more usual to see computer with more than one graphics cards...

Probably the CPU will still the main choice for AI stuff since it requires a lot of debugging, but real-time Physics can really jump into a new era since it requires a lot of parallel work and floating point operations!

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to put my hands in one of those cards