"For too long, many nations, including my own, tolerated, even excused, oppression in the Middle East in the name of stability. Oppression became common, but stability never arrived. We must take a different approach. We must help the reformers of the Middle East as they work for freedom, and strive to build a community of peaceful, democratic nations."
- George W. Bush

What to use Eyefinity for
Saturday, September 12, 2009 | Permalink

If you thought the Eyefinity feature of the soon to be released Radeon HD 5870 is for creating large resolution displays, well, I had another cool idea. Six outputs is as many as there are faces in a cube. Put six projectors in a cubic room with white walls and you can have a full surround display! Would need some coding support though, but could be potentially awesome. Certainly would be a great way to view my cubemap collection!



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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Didn't they already do this at KTH a few years back, i seem to remember that the thing had to be pretty big because of the projectors, but just imagine if you could do it with a few huge oled displays instead

Jerry (www.joytek.blogspot.com)
Sunday, September 13, 2009

If you don't know about Eyefinity, here's a short introduction video describing it:


Friday, September 18, 2009

That is one incredible idea. Imagine a movie theatre with images on every surface!!!

Andreas L
Monday, October 5, 2009

The idea might not be new, but I think it would be the first time that you could do it with one graphics card.
Of course you would like to have back projection, otherwise you would get a lot of shadows. It is the reason why these kind of display systems tend to be huge.

Angel G.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I did a videowall using 3x Radeon HD2600s (to have 6 FullHD DVI outputs) more than 1.5 years ago. Multimonitor support has been available since windows98 (I guess).
What I miss still is the ability to do GPU<->GPU transfer for images (name it fragments/textures/etc) or at least API to do that. I need it because i did a kind of 'control' software which works utilizing INefficient GPU#N->CPU->GPU#M transfers (using OGL PBO`s).