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Yet another AA technique - SDAA
Sunday, August 28, 2011 | Permalink
I have just posted another demo of yet another anti-aliasing technique.

I call it Second-Depth Anti-Aliasing (SDAA) since it requires the second depths in the scene, i.e. the depths of the backfaces. Quality-wise it rivals that of GPAA/GBAA and is easier to integrate into an existing engine.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
What is the difference between Dx 10 and 10.1?
Sunday, August 28, 2011
The DX10.1 is slightly faster due to the use of Gather(), which halves the number of texture fetches.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Does this technique allows alpha texture edges to be antialiased, like GBAA, or not?
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
No, not directly. I think perhaps with some special treatment it can be made to work, but I don't have any implementation of that. However, you could use SDAA to fill out a GBAA-style geometry buffer and then render alpha-tested stuff to that, and finally do a GBAA-style resolve.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Hello. I download framework3 .
i use Model::computeTangentSpace(const bool flat) or
Model::computeNormal(const bool flat) functions, generate normal and tangent, but always generate error normal.
part of coplanar normal has error.
I generate normal for sphere is ok.
bug use cube always existed part of coplanar normal error.
for every indices{
normal[indices[i]] += normalize(cross(v1-v0, v2-v0));
for every normal{
could you tell me why?
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Very, very nice

1. SDAA or GBAA maybe use with DX9?
2. Are you planning to release injected dxgi.dll (d3d9.dll if posible) with SDAA/GBAA (as FXAA)?
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Hi Humus,
This is the cleanest and highest quality sample demonstrating deferred rendering with intelligently written lighting bar none. I am attempting to parse the logic involved to OpenGL.
My question is do you know of any OpenGL resource that matches your approach? I hate everything about the mess of math involved in translating notations and projection logic and with the sheer number of points of total failure and no point of reference it feels like a sinkhole for time at the minute. I am desperate for a point of reference in OpenGL with practical lighting and depth reconstruction, if you know of one paid or otherwise please direct me to it.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Hi Humus,
To avoid detracting focus from your excellent article I have redirected my query to here:
Please do take a look if you get a moment.
Many Thanks,
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