"Capitalism is an art form, an Apollonian fabrication to rival nature. It is hypocritical for feminists and intellectuals to enjoy the pleasures and conveniences of capitalism while sneering at it. Everyone born into capitalism has incurred a debt to it. Give Caesar his due."
- Camille Paglia

DirectX 11.1 documentation online
Wednesday, September 14, 2011 | Permalink

With the public release of the Windows 8 Developer Preview the documentation for the upcoming DirectX 11.1 API has made it online as well. It's preliminary and subject to change of course, but likely the changes won't be too dramatic. The list of new features and additions is pretty long for a mere ".1" update.



Enter the code below

Thursday, September 15, 2011

After reading it twice it gives me the impression, that all current DX11 hardware could already be 11.1 capable.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Yeah, I suppose. A new driver would be required though. I hope they backport the new WDDM 1.2 driver model to Vista/Win7 so DX11.1 doesn't become a Win8 exclusive, because that would pretty much ensure nobody would use it.