"Where there is love there is life."
- Mahatma Gandhi
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Added WebGL preview to cubemaps
Sunday, April 13, 2014 | Permalink

A couple of months ago I replaced my old Java Applet based cubemap viewer with a new WebGL one for the pictures on this site. The obvious next step was to use it for my cubemap collection, although that required that I generate the content for that also, so it was a bit more work. Now I've finally done that work, so now all cubemaps come with a WebGL preview link (or you can just click the image) so that you can get a more intuitive and interactive view of a cubemap before deciding to download it. Note that the preview is only 512x512, whereas the full cubemaps are typically 2048x2048.



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norma wsalinasn
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Many of us struggle to lose weight without knowing why. The reality is that our bodies simply like to retain fat. They prefer to store fat instead of burning it. It is an old survival technique that we don't really need anymore


norma wsalinasn
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Because, not only does this formula trigger fat burning through ketosis, but it also keeps you in ketosis. And that is hard to keep alone. But, the longer you stay in ketosis, the more extra body fat you can burn. That's why we believe you should try this powerful formula

norma wsalinasn
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Do not confuse it with green tea extract since this is a complex of extracts of different vegetables. As you enter ketosis, your body may have few vitamins and minerals. This is because fats are taking the place of all the nutrients in your body. Greens Extract helps compensate for this loss.


norma wsalinasn
Thursday, November 21, 2019

little help, and the extra ketone kick can give you the boost you need to get there or some extra space to take care of ketosis. A bite here or some organic product there is enough to be wrong, so any additional help is an important help for most healthy food nuts.

norma wsalinasn
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Let me tell you that there are the following general disadvantages of this ketogenic weight loss supplement:

norma wsalinasn
Thursday, November 21, 2019

recommended this weight loss supplement. My body was changing throughout the days, and my weight is now healthy.

User 3:

norma wsalinasn
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Unmistakable Benefits of the Formula

As indicated before the use of Ketovatru for consistent time length constantly comes to fruition out in wonderful medicinal favorable circumstances. The supplement is shown clinically and has been passing


norma wsalinasn
Thursday, November 21, 2019

diverged from others. That motivation of going ahead with a more valuable life starts from prosperity concerned people. For people who are encountering bona fide fat issue and needs to comprehend that slight midriff with strong lifestyle we are showing here Ketovatru a premium fat decreasing

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