"Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of congress; but I repeat myself."
- Mark Twain
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I'm now a father of two
Tuesday, May 20, 2014 | Permalink

On May 9 our second son was born. 3.805kg and 52cm at birth, a bit bigger than average, but not huge like his older brother was. He's getting along very well with his older brother so far.

A most welcome addition to the Persson family.



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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Depending on your needs, choosing male enhancement products can sometimes be overwhelming. If you're looking to improve your size and performance then you've got a couple of choices to make.

Monday, October 14, 2019

During puberty, rising levels of testosterone encourage the growth of the testicles, penis, and pubic hair. The voice begins to deepen, and muscles and body hair grow. Along with these changes comes growing sexual desire.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Starting around age 50 (often earlier among smokers and, or, diabetics), erections change. In some men, the process is gradual, in others, it happens more quickly. Either way, older men lose the ability to raise erections solely from sexual fantasies.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

There are many reasons why people gain belly fat, including poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress. Improving nutrition, increasing activity, reducing stress, and making other lifestyle changes can all help people lose unwanted belly fat. Belly fat refers to fat around the abdomen.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

You exhale the carbon dioxide and the water mixes into your circulation until it's lost as urine or sweat. If you lose 10kg of fat, precisely 8.4kg comes out through your lungs and the remaining 1.6kg turns into water. In other words, nearly all the weight we lose is exhaled.

Leptitox Review
Friday, October 18, 2019

While no one food is a magic bullet for weight loss, there are certain foods that can help you achieve your weight-loss goals. Most of the foods included as part of a weight-loss diet have a few things in common: they're high in fiber (which helps keep you feeling fuller longer) and have a low energy density-meaning that you can eat a decent-sized portion without overdoing it on calories.


Leptitox Tricks
Saturday, October 19, 2019

Eating more calories than you need can result in weight gain. Even if you�re filling up on nutritious foods on a vegetarian diet, you may be helping yourself to larger portions than necessary. This is especially common if you skimp on protein intake.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Women gain more belly fat at this time than others. This may partly be due to genetics, as well as the age at which menopause starts. ...


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