"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent vice of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries."
- Winston Churchill
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Working @ ATi
Wednesday, February 19, 2003 | Permalink

So the second day of work has passed at ATi. I'm getting into it and feel quite comfortable with the job. Yesterday passed without a whole lot of real work being done. Mostly installing OS, compiler and stuff on my work machine and configure it. Today is the first day I did some real work.



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Wednesday, February 19, 2003

I'm glad you're happy with you job, but what kind of job is it? What is your function with ATI?

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

I'm so glad on your behalf, but you coding contributions will be sorely missed. Hope your stay will be long and prosporus.

Thursday, February 20, 2003

How are enjoying Canada?

Friday, February 21, 2003

My position is co-op student. I'm working with the software and devrel guys and will be working on small projects related to some new extensions and OpenGL 2.0

Aaaah, come one. I'm not lost and gone forever. I'll be here ten week, then be back again. I'm not leaving the demo scene just yet.

Well, I think it's nice over here. Pretty much the same as Sweden, but it's cool anyway. I hope to go see the Niagara falls and some other cool stuff before I get back.

Friday, February 21, 2003

Sounds great! Damn, I'd love to be there right now. I do have a coop session coming up in May. . .

Friday, February 21, 2003

Congratulations & Good Luck!

Friday, February 21, 2003

Congratulations & Good Luck!

Friday, February 21, 2003

Good stuff Humus! Hope you enjoy ya time there!

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