"He, who sacrifices freedom for the sake of security, deserves neither."
- Benjamin Franklin
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New demo
Friday, May 23, 2003 | Permalink

A new demo is up on the 3D page showing off the famous Detail Preserving Simplification technique which seems to be the technique of the future when it comes to making detailed characters. Some developers has already already jumped on the bandwagon, for instance will Doom III use this technique and CryTek already offers their PolyBump tools for this. There is also a free command line tool available at ATi's developer pages.



Enter the code below

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Well, technically, yes. Though the way the bumpmap is created is the interesting part. Unlike what is normally done when we call it "bumpmapping" where the bumpmap is painted by the artist this bumpmap is generated from actual geometry from a high resolution model, which makes the appearance much more realistic.

Monday, May 26, 2003

Concerning silhouettes: there was a paper at SIGGRAPH 2002 about that. Take a look at http://people.deas.harvard.edu/~pvs/research/silclip/ if you're interested. The basic idea is to built a helper tree to quickly find the silhouette and use stencil to cookie-cut the model to it. Doesn't work with interior silhouettes, but in general looks quite nice.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Truform eh? How would you have truform added to just the silhuette?
I suppose you could split the object into a silhuette-, front- and back- part each frame, rendering only the silhuette using truform... but otherwise wouldn't you end up subdividing the whole thing, gaining nothing (bump+truform = same amount of triangles)?

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

The save would be in storage space and bandwidth, though maybe not so much in transform rate if you're truforming it up to the same amount of polygons as the original hires mesh. However, you don't really need to have that many polygons to get a good silhouette. For games you hardly need to care about the silhouette at all.

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