"For too long, many nations, including my own, tolerated, even excused, oppression in the Middle East in the name of stability. Oppression became common, but stability never arrived. We must take a different approach. We must help the reformers of the Middle East as they work for freedom, and strive to build a community of peaceful, democratic nations."
- George W. Bush

MSVC Shader syntax highlighting
Tuesday, March 4, 2003 | Permalink

Two small files are included that enables syntax highlighting of vertex and pixel shaders in MSVC 6.0, not sure if it works for MSVC.NET. It supports these shader languages:
To use it, just do these steps:
If you have included any shader files into a project already, MSVC will still think it's a normal text file. To solve that problem, just remove them from the project and include them again.