"I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone. My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone."
- Bjarne Stroustrup

3Dc texture tool
Monday, May 31, 2004 | Permalink

I've started playing around with the 3Dc normal compression format now that I have an X800pro card. For this I quickly wrote a small commandline tool for my convenience, and of course I'm sharing it with anyone out there that's interested. It's available for download in the cool stuff section.
It's a very simple tool, and you'll need the texconv.exe file from the DirectX9 SDK for it to work, but it's very convenient. Make a shortcut to it, and just drop a heightmap image file on the shortcut. The tool will create the output 3Dc file in DDS format in the same directory as the source file. DDS loading code is available in my framework, which I btw updated to support 3Dc, in Direct3D at least for now.

Anyway, I'll have a 3Dc demo up some time soon. Depends on how much spare time I will have.

[ 29 comments | Last comment by Humus (2004-06-22 00:18:59) ]