"Capitalism is neither evil or good, but it's an excellent tool to save the world."
- Birgitta Ohlsson (fp)

Back again
Thursday, January 19, 2006 | Permalink

The silence has come to an end. The vacation was great. This year I didn't have to travel around so much to see all my family, but got to see most of my family at my parents' place. The only side trip was to Storuman to see my two of my brothers and my little sister. Otherwise I stayed at my parents' place, where other family members and relatives came by. My older sister and her family stayed with us most of the time in order to be close enough to a hospital because she's expecting a baby. That's the reality in the North of Sweden. Way too little people living in some areas, so sometimes it can be more than a hundred kilometers to the closest hospital. Anyway, she's currently pregnant at overtime. I was hoping to see the new baby before I left, but unfortunately it didn't take my desires into account and decided to stay another couple of weeks. So I've now returned back to Toronto and we're still waiting for it to arrive. Oh, well. I guess that means I can't wait another full year before returning.

However, I got plenty of time to play with niece and nephew instead, so I'm not too disappointed. It's been a full year before I saw them the last time, which is a lot for kids in that age. Johannes is now 5 years old and Frida is 3. Frida has now reached the wonderful age where she walk and talk all by herself and don't leave too much saliva around. Johannes has reached the why-age, where every statement comes attached with a "why", whether it makes sense or not.

I was going to write more, but I'm fighting with the jetlag right now. I'm still on Swedish time. It's just past 9, but I'm getting very sleepy.
Anyway, there will be pictures here soon enough.

[ 7 comments | Last comment by Scorpion (2006-01-22 02:00:50) ]