"It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration."
- Edsger Dijkstra

Mac as a gaming platform
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 | Permalink

Recently Valve announced that they will not just deliver Steam on Mac, but also a bunch of actual games for the Mac platform. Even though I'm a PC guy I find this to be excellent news. We need competition in the OS market, and one of the main reasons many people stay on the Windows platform is because it's the only viable platform for gaming. With a heavy-weighter like Valve giving Mac full attention, it could really change that. I don't think every developer will follow, but I think it will mean a substantial increase in games available on the Mac. Another side effect of this is that OpenGL will again become an important API. No bold new initiative from Khronos could ever make the same kind of impact as having Steam and popular games on the Mac platform. I think this is also good news for PC gamers, because it expands that gaming audience on computers. I wish Valve all the success on the Mac platform.

[ 15 comments | Last comment by mark (2010-04-12 23:03:29) ]