"Liberty is always dangerous, but it is the safest thing we have."
- Harry Emerson Fosdick

Packing my bags
Friday, February 14, 2003 | Permalink

I'm just done packing the bags. Now I just need to check and recheck I haven't forgot anything. I'll leave early tomorrow morning. By the time I leave my house it will still be friday in Canada. 12 hours to go, I'm can feel the excitement growing in me now.

My dear mom is of course worried. She was very anxious when I went to the US just for just 5 days. So she's of course even more anxious now. She would probably have preferred if I stayed at home. Oh, well, can't make everyone happy.

[ 6 comments | Last comment by NeoKenobi (2003-02-18 13:26:11) ]