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API overriding tools
Tuesday, July 5, 2005 | Permalink
Today I'm adding two API overriding tools to the
Cool stuff section, one for OpenGL and one for Direct3D. The main purpose of these is to solve the problem with alpha-tested textures in games, which look very aliased with multisample antialiasing. With these tools you can force alpha-test into alpha-to-coverage, which looks a whole lot better.
Caution: Be careful with online games using PunkBuster or other anti-cheat measures. They don't neccesarily like overriding the API and may think you're cheating, so if you're going to try, I wouldn't try on my favourite server first.
If there are any other features you'd like to see added to these tools, please let me know.
Thursday, August 4, 2005
Please, make for NVIDIA Geforce 6600GT
Thursday, August 4, 2005
I'm having the same problem as BJorn but in W2K service pack 2. I'll put the files where the HL2 executable is. Steam will launch and when I launch the HL2 executable I'll get an hourglass for a couple of seconds and then nothing. Help.
Thursday, August 4, 2005
thx for updating this tools. I am very satisfied with the new version. I hope update will continue

Sunday, August 7, 2005
boiling point doesn't crash anymore with new .dll
thumbs up

Monday, August 8, 2005
Is there anything you may add to the tool to improve quality/compatability?
I played around with it with many different games and the most obvious things i see now and then that it makes some object less opaque and having these dither patterns which often look a bit ugly. Strange that on some other objects mainly fences/grilles it looks perfect even if you go very close not dithering at all. I think you already said that you can't do anything about this but i don't know maybe there is something you can do.
Overall i must say it improves quality alot even though sometimes you have to live with dither artifacts here and there. Especially in games with alot of alpha test trees (boiling point,mohaa) the reduced shimmering is massive.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Ok, finally got it to work in HL2 when in Rage3D Discussion it was mentioned that DXOverride was not working correctly with ATI Tray Tools when OSD was enabled. I disabled it and HL2 started fine. Only problem now is that fences will turn opaque when looking at them. Any ideas?
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Never mind. I used the latest files and now everything looks fine. Either that or restarting the computer fixed it. Either way, nice work humus. Much better quality.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
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