"There's a saying that states: 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions'. There's hardly anything that better describes communism than that. All good hopes and dreams of justice and equality have ended in oppression and dictatorship."
- Peter Eriksson, Green Party of Sweden
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New demo
Monday, December 12, 2005 | Permalink

Some of you may remember my old GameEngine demo from 2002. Occasionally I get people asking me to do something like that again. I started working on this quite a long time ago, but the project has been more or less idle for most of the time. But I recently got over my laziness and actually finished this thing.

So here you go. It's a bit larger demo than usual, but IMO, a lot better than usual as well. It features a large map, you can do cool stuff like wall-jumps, dodging, rocket-jumps etc. There's also sound and some background music for a change.




Enter the code below

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I have the exact same problem as �eviL, with the only difference being that my dialog is in English =)

X800XL, Catalyst 5.11, Win XP

Thursday, December 15, 2005

i have the 6800gt, forceware 81.95 and win xp sp2

Thursday, December 15, 2005

sqrt[-1], I'm no guru on the topic either, which is why I had to fuss around so much before I could get it to work everywhere.

RET, could you describe your problem better? I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Friday, December 16, 2005

I would not tell, that it is a problem, but most likely such should not be. Wanted to send screenshot but I do not know the mail. And at a forum to be registered it is impossible on not clear problems. I shall try to explain so. I sometimes on the screen have pixels (extraneous noise). Most soon on joints of poligons, but I am not confident. Tell better, where it is to send screenshot. My ICQ #294935155

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The world shadows look bad, they\'re not filtered (on my ATI card at least). I thnik this is because nVidia held a patent on this, and you had to filter them manually in the pixel shader, right?

Half-Life 2 does it right. The multiplayer component of Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow does to; but the single player component does not. This demo does not, and most games which use this kind of shadows do not

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Half-Life 2 doesn't use depth shadow maps IIRC, only a projected image (thus no self-shadows).

NVIDIA supports filtering on 2d depth textures. This demo also uses cubic shadow maps.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Yeah, I would have to filter the shadows in the shader. I've considering doing this, but haven't really done anything about it. I actually considered using lightmaps as well for the static shadows, but it's a bit of work. That should improve quality a fair bit though, and even speed up things a bit too.

Saturday, December 24, 2005


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