"The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who don't have it."
- George Bernard Shaw
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Summer of 2003
Thursday, August 14, 2003 | Permalink
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This is a collection of images from the summer of 2003 that would not fit into any other gallery or did not belong to any particular event. Just a few shots from everyday's life.

Gone fishing
Thursday, August 14, 2003 | Permalink
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My parents, my younger brother and me went to the small river Juktån near the small community of Sorsele (in which my sister and family live). My dad went there to go fishing, the rest of us just to relax for a few days. Well, my brother fished for a while too, but it didn't last very long. Most of the time was spent either just walking around in the wonderful nature smelling the fresh air or in the chilly water building monuments of stones or just bathing. After leaving the place we also spent a few days with my sister and her family.

Class reunion
Tuesday, August 12, 2003 | Permalink
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The summer 1998 me and my classmates graduated from gymnasiet (roughly: senior highschool). This summer, five years later, we decided to meet again for some chat and see what happened to everyone. Unfortunately, as expected not everyone could come, and some who we initially counted on got circumstances such that they couldn't come. We ended up as less than half the class, but we sure enjoyed seeing each other again anyway.

Walking in the mountains
Monday, August 11, 2003 | Permalink
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Two of my brothers, David and Joel, as well as me and my sister Petra joined for a two day walk in the mountains. We chose to walk up on Norra Storfjället, one of the larger mountains in Sweden with its height of 1769m (highest is Kebnekaise, 2111m), which isn't very high on international scale, but certainly high enough to get exhausted on the way up.
The most exciting thing about this mountain is that from the top there is a free fall of 600m straight down into a glacier lake. Definitely a sight to remember and definitely an edge you don't want to walk too close to.

Summer trip
Monday, August 11, 2003 | Permalink
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This is a gallery over the summer trip to Sundsvall me and my family made. The main goal was to attend a convention but also to meet some relatives and get some time to relax. We joined with the family of my sister and packed the caravans for a car ride down south.

Wedding of Kenneth & Jenny
Thursday, August 7, 2003 | Permalink
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These are images from the wedding of Kenneth, and old friend of mine, and his wife Jenny. The wedding took place on June 7, though I didn't get the time to upload the gallery at that time since I was about to leave for the summer the next day.

Toronto Zoo
Wednesday, April 30, 2003 | Permalink
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During my time in Toronto I got the chance to visit the local Zoo. It's the first time really I've been to a Zoo of any significant size, and the first time I've seen animals like Tigers and Elephants in real life. Naturally I snapped loads of photos, so many that it deserved a gallery of it's own. Better that than making the gallery below even larger.

There were loads of cool animals to see, I've written the name of most of them, unfortunately I couldn't identify all of them on the pictures though.

Ten weeks in Toronto
Monday, April 28, 2003 | Permalink
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I had the opportunity to spend 10 weeks working at ATi in Markham, Toronto, Canada. It's been a great time, not only a very interesting job, but I've also had a great time on weekends seing lots of cool stuff in the area like the CN Tower and Niagara falls. And I've snapped heaps of shots during the time. In order to not make this gallery way too large I've filtered out some of the less interesting pictures.

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