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New volumetric fogging demo
Sunday, October 8, 2006 | Permalink

There's a new volumetric fogging demo available for download. Grab it while it's hot!

2006-10-09 update:
The demo should now work on Radeon 9500 and up.

[ 26 comments | Last comment by Nuninho1980 (2011-10-04 20:40:02) ]

New gallery
Wednesday, September 27, 2006 | Permalink

I went home to Sweden for a couple of week in early September, so here a new gallery with the pictures from that trip.

[ 6 comments | Last comment by Humus (2006-10-02 23:49:35) ]

New dynamic lightmapping demo
Sunday, August 20, 2006 | Permalink

As you've probably noticed, there haven't been many demos lately, mostly due to lack of time. But now I've finally finished this project that's been laying around for a while. It's generating lightmap dynamically on the GPU. On the first run it will generate four position maps, so it may take up to maybe 10 seconds to load. Later runs will start much quicker.


[ 16 comments | Last comment by what (2012-07-23 03:15:48) ]

New gallery
Friday, August 18, 2006 | Permalink

I've added another gallery with pictures from this summer. This one also includes an interactive element. I've made a java applet using OpenGL to render cubemaps. I've stitched together a bunch of cubemaps from a bunch of photos in all direction, and I've included a few of these in the gallery.

[ 8 comments | Last comment by Humus (2006-09-04 14:50:33) ]

New gallery
Monday, August 7, 2006 | Permalink

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I've been quite busy. I have been playing with some projects though, but unfortunately not all my efforts end up in an actual demo simply because the idea just didn't work out as well as I thought it would. I have a few projects I'm working on though that have worked out better and I hope to finish soon though.

In the meantime, I at least have an update to the gallery section with pictures from the spring of 2006. There will be another gallery soon too with pictures from the summer. I got a new digital camera about two months ago and have taken a huge amount of pictures, so I've got plenty of material for another gallery. In fact, today I went over my folder with pictures and it was 3GB. After some cleanup it's now down to 1GB. Anyway, the gallery I'm publishing today is all taken with the old camera though.

[ 2 comments | Last comment by Nin (2006-08-10 15:57:40) ]

64bits.se interview with me
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 | Permalink

If you understand Swedish and want to know more about my demo coding and my background you may want to head over to 64bits.se and read all about it in an interview with me they've just published.

[ 10 comments | Last comment by belg0r (2006-07-10 18:14:22) ]

High quality texture compression demo updated
Saturday, June 17, 2006 | Permalink

I've uploaded a new version of this demo with a 4.5bpp and a 6bpp mode using DXT1 and DXT5. This allows it to run on all PS2.0 cards. Quality is noticably worse than using 3Dc, but still looks better than DXT1.

[ 1 comments | Last comment by Sombra (2006-06-23 13:00:37) ]

High quality texture compression comparison
Sunday, June 11, 2006 | Permalink

I've been asked to put up comparison screenshots for people to see who don't have the hardware to run the demo. So here they are:

DXT1 4pp
YCbCr 4.5bpp
YCbCr 6bpp
RGB 24bpp

[ 5 comments | Last comment by Humus (2006-06-27 22:45:13) ]

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