"There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't."
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400,000th visitor
Tuesday, July 6, 2004 | Permalink

Well, creating controversy pays off in terms of visitors to the site. The 3D page has now reached 400,000 visits, of which something like 30,000 or so are from the last 5 days.

[ 16 comments | Last comment by Zygote (2004-07-25 18:25:03) ]

New dynamic brancing demo
Thursday, July 1, 2004 | Permalink

Here's a demo that does dynamic branching, without the need for pixel shader 3.0, and still receives the huge performance boost that pixel shader 3.0 dynamic branching supposedly gives when utilized in a similar fashion.


Since it seems people have lost the ability to understand smilies I removed the first line of this post. Couldn't have imagined that people would feel so seriously offended by it, and I certainly didn't foresee the amount of crap I would recieved for it.

2004-07-04: Did a minor update to the demo to work around the performance drop issue on nVidia cards. The demo will now let you choose between doing a full stencil clear or simply zero it for surviving fragment. The former method seems to be required for this technique to see any performance gains at all on nVidia hardware, while both methods run fast on ATI card, the latter at a higher speed though. In order to get maximum performance it will choose zeroing as default for ATI and full stencil clear on everyone else. I don't know if that assumption holds true for other vendors though.

[ 49 comments | Last comment by Humus (2004-08-04 00:43:51) ]

3Dc texture compression demo
Sunday, June 27, 2004 | Permalink

It took a bit longer than I had originally planned, but now the 3Dc demo I promised is finally here. Haven't had much time to dedicate to this project, and unfortunately I had to do some changes to my framework to get things up and running the way I wanted it. I rewrote my whole DXT decompression code and added 3Dc decompression to it. I also had to write that 3DcGenerator tool (which I btw now have updated to include some more advanced normal map generation code) to get my 3Dc textures. With that done however, getting 3Dc into future applications will be a quick and easy task.

Anyway, this demo mainly shows off 3Dc texture compression and how to use it, but also illustrates how to use detail normal mapping. Plus a bunch of other stuff like offset mapping, cubic shadow mapping etc., but I've done that before.

Anyway, enjoy.

[ 18 comments | Last comment by Artem (2004-08-26 14:20:45) ]

New gallery
Tuesday, June 22, 2004 | Permalink

I have uploaded a new gallery with set of random pictures from the first half of 2004. From midwinter picture back home in Sweden to summer pictures of my new home in Canada.

[ 5 comments | Last comment by Humus (2004-06-29 00:53:32) ]

3Dc texture tool
Monday, May 31, 2004 | Permalink

I've started playing around with the 3Dc normal compression format now that I have an X800pro card. For this I quickly wrote a small commandline tool for my convenience, and of course I'm sharing it with anyone out there that's interested. It's available for download in the cool stuff section.
It's a very simple tool, and you'll need the texconv.exe file from the DirectX9 SDK for it to work, but it's very convenient. Make a shortcut to it, and just drop a heightmap image file on the shortcut. The tool will create the output 3Dc file in DDS format in the same directory as the source file. DDS loading code is available in my framework, which I btw updated to support 3Dc, in Direct3D at least for now.

Anyway, I'll have a 3Dc demo up some time soon. Depends on how much spare time I will have.

[ 29 comments | Last comment by Humus (2004-06-22 00:18:59) ]

Kickass machine
Saturday, May 29, 2004 | Permalink

I'm set for some serious development and gaming now with this kickass machine I've built.
Not only is it fast, but it's pretty good looking too. And the crown on top of this work of art arrived today. My manager passed an X800pro board to me. Nothing's like getting free highend hardware.
I brought my Radeon 9800pro and two HDs over from Sweden, but the rest of the machine is new. Now the 9800pro had to go though, so it's just the two HDs that aren't new. Well, they are secondary storage anyway since I also bought a new 160GB SATA drive. The final config:

AMD Athlon64 3200+
ASUS K8V deluxe
ATI Radeon X800pro
Maxtor 160GB SATA HD
Samsung 60GB IDE HD
Pioneer DVR-107D
Nec MultiSync LCD1765 16ms TFT
Klipsch ProMedia 2.1 THX audio system

Guess I'll be spending some time in front of this machine. And yes, you can probably expect some new demos showing off the capabilities of the X800pro in the not too distant future.

[ 26 comments | Last comment by reggin (2004-07-05 17:39:40) ]

Started working at ATi
Tuesday, May 4, 2004 | Permalink

Just began working at ATi today. Been spending the day setting up my work system and doing the paperwork. So it has been a big day, but very little exciting things to do. The more exciting stuff is ahead, once I get to do any real work.

[ 30 comments | Last comment by MesserFuerFrauSchmid (2004-06-08 20:21:50) ]

GPU battle continues
Thursday, April 22, 2004 | Permalink

There have been some info leaking about the R420, though much of it have been contradicting, so it's hard to know what's true and not. But now a photo of the card has hit the net, and it seems credible. The cooling looks a little bit larger than what we're used to from ATi, but at least it seems to be single slot. It will be very interesting to see what this beast will manage once it's launched. Rumors say that it's going to be launched on Monday (April 26), but other dates such as May 3 and May 5 have also been mentioned. Personally I'm very excited and can hardly wait to see this thing in action. Rumors say it's going to kick the NV40's ass.

[ 16 comments | Last comment by PaulT (2004-05-04 09:45:35) ]

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